big jump

美 [bɪɡ dʒʌmp]英 [bɪɡ dʒʌmp]
  • 大跳;大幅度增长
big jumpbig jump
  1. Of a , frightened me a big jump .


  2. With one big jump the men get there .


  3. There 's a big jump from grade two to grade four .


  4. One-off factors have also contributed to the big jump in oil consumption .


  5. And because of that , we made a big jump to recover it .


  6. That 's a big jump forward in efficiency , in the region of several thousand times .


  7. In the past week , both companies reported a big jump in profits for last year .


  8. One big jump . gentlemen , the biggest jump this town 's ever seen .


  9. a big jump could spawn a deep downturn and fracture the confidence of markets .


  10. It 's also notable that there 's a big jump at250 users .


  11. The state media 's heavy promotion of the new law has resulted in a big jump in labor disputes .


  12. As you will no doubt realize , there is quite a big jump to be made from your present situation .


  13. Big jump into deep swimming hole , Togitogiga Waterfall .


  14. COSL has taken a big jump in technology and service capacity , and has taken its place in the international market .


  15. It 's a big jump from infidelity is morally wrong to do her .


  16. NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports higher prices prompted fuel big jump in wholesale inflation .


  17. A big jump in the number of mobile ' net-connected devices running on broadband networks being deployed worldwide .


  18. Public sector spending stayed steady in real terms , even though tax revenues fell sharply & hence the big jump in deficits .


  19. Second , a big jump in credit has gone together with reliance on real estate and other investments with falling marginal returns .


  20. It 's not quite the big jump you might imagine , he says . It 's been a natural extension to the career path .


  21. Flat-screen TVs , in particular , can create a big jump in energy use if you don 't choose with efficiency in mind .


  22. Investors seemed happy about that , the Dow Jones industrial average took a big jump yesterday on optimism about a possible deal .


  23. Turnout has been steady across the state , with a big jump in participation in the late hours before the polls close .


  24. The educational system and curriculum reformed in 1922 realizes the big jump from gymnastics to physical education , and it is the landmark of our physical education curriculum development .


  25. The US trade deficit declined slightly in July as record exports of farm goods , cars and other products offset a big jump in foreign oil prices .


  26. Online retail giant Amazon has reported a fall in profits despite a big jump in revenues as it continues to invest heavily in new business opportunities .


  27. German carmaker BMW AG posted a big jump in profits in the second quarter , helped by the roll-out of new models and record sales in China .


  28. US factories were bit busier than September with orders up to 1.7 % after the previous month and large partly due to big jump orders for commercial airplanes .


  29. Businesses are braced for a big jump in costs to protect their online trademarks after the body regulating Internet domain names paved the way for thousands of new web addresses .


  30. Record fees from debt issuance and a big jump in capital raisings this year have more than offset plunging deal revenues at Wall Street banks , annual figures show .
